
Wonderfully Clueless People Who Forgot We Can See What’s Behind Them

It should go without saying that if you're going to take a selfie, you should be aware of your surroundings. But people, however, are often more concerned with their image than they are with what's going on around them.

That can lead to some very awkward moments that will forever live on the Internet for eternity. Let this serve as a warning — unless you're a vampire, reflections will always exist.


It's totally normal to sleep with a scarf and giant hoop earrings, right?

“Us” meaning her and her phone, apparently.

“Bae” might be her split personality, which is troubling for a number of reasons. Let’s hope she’s able to get a good night’s sleep without “Bae” waking her up in a panic.


Who the hell decides to selfie while they're pooping?

She’s smiling because she just lightened her load. Have you ever seen someone so happy to be on the toilet? Perhaps you have, but that person almost certainly wouldn’t want the photo to be shared for public consumption.


She can relate, although this one keeps going and going and going...

At least this one seems like it was done intentionally. It’s an optical illusion, sure, but in a situation like this, most people would simply opt for privacy over cool and clever photo-framing techniques.

She seems happy with the result, though!


"I feel like forgetting something..."

“It is kind of drafty in here.”

We included a smiley to preserve your delicate sensibilities from the “bare” realities of the situation. Normally when pants are off, people have happier expressions than this guy does.


Subtlety is not everyone's specialty.

He’s probably just checking out her belt, right? Maybe she was trying that piece on as well. Being an upstanding employee, he was just ensuring a proper fit.

It’s somehow still not as bad as what this next guy was checking out.


Yeah, he's checking out something that you should shield the kids on the subway from.

The look on his face sells it though – such intensity and focus. This is a guy who doesn’t take his “entertainment” lightly. Though he should probably avoid consuming it on such crowded places. Even if it’s a cartoon, it doesn’t seem kid-friendly.


Trains are the worst place to try and be sneaky.

Busted. It’s possible he’s just sharing his “media” with the rest of the train, but he’s forgetting a cardinal rule of public transport — you never, ever, ever have privacy. Don’t pretend that you do. You just…don’t.


"Okay, honey. Make mommy look sexy."

Parent of the year, for sure. Meanwhile, the girl probably fears that she’s looking 18 years into her own future. Poor thing probably just wanted to zip up her mom’s dress and hear about her mom’s quiet night with friends the next day.

Oh well. No such luck.


Dressed to impress.

Plot twist: His prom date is the one taking the picture.

Man, how long do you want THAT picture to haunt your high school and adult life? Hopefully, it doesn’t see the light of day. For the subject’s sake, of course. Comedy dictates that this gets shared as much as possible.


Nothing says “sexy” like a whole bunch of dog turds on the floor.

A surprising amount of pictures have been ruined by an accidental turd or two, but not many have been ruined by accidental pee. It’s so egregious here that we’re not even going to focus on the empty cup of ramen…IN A BEDROOM. Man, people sure are weird when they try to be sexy.

Wait until you get a load of this next one.


That's the most unfortunate reflection of all time.

Did my friend piss his pants? Nope, it's just the reflection of the chairs in the room. from pics
His facial expression is hilarious though, at least he’s owning it. That said, he should own it, because it’s VERY hard to believe that stain is anything other than exactly what it looks like. You can choose to ignore your eyes on this one, but it’s not gonna be easy!


Somehow this magazine even failed with a fake reflection.

Unfortunate reflection from funny
That’s really the best they could do? Yikes.

Photoshop got away from some photo editor, and the result is a very unpleasant subliminal message that doesn’t exactly jive with “island paradise.” Here’s to hoping that the paper issues a “retraction.”


Angles are important when taking selfies.

Finding the most flattering angle of yourself can be tough. This girl nailed it. The up-the-nose vantage point is always the one the fellas drool over. Fortunately, a simple cropping can fix this. Unfortunately, it’s far too late for that.


Tables are an underrated danger when it comes to reflections.

DAT reflection from funny

That’s… unfortunate. It also looks very uncomfortable. As an aside, it should be a crime to take photos of strangers when they’re eating, especially at the likes of a Chipotle. In fact, that may BE a crime.


The perfect date doesn't exi-...

Perfect Reflection from funny
Huh, nevermind.

His beard says “Let’s chop some wood and drink bourbon.” His pretty sundress says, “Never mind, let’s just snuggle and drink tea.”

Ladies, you CAN have it both ways.

And now to meet his brother…


via: Reddit
He has to be related to that last guy, right?

There’s simply no other explanation.


via: Imgur
OK, that has to be a picture of him when he was younger hanging behind him, right? It just has to be.

And that is just terrific.


via: Imgur
Welcome to your new favorite Internet sensation: People selling mirrors online.

They go to extreme lengths in order to get a photo of their mirror that isn’t completely strange.

And they fail every time.


via: Reddit
Come on, wouldn’t you want to watch yourself as you use a public toilet?

What’s that? You wouldn’t? Hey! Where are you going?


via: Reddit
Let this be a lesson to you: Never try to install a mirror.

You may just lose your head.

And not for another guy who’s just trying to sell a mirror…


via: Reddit
How much do you think he’s asking for it?

Regardless of the price, it’s gotta be a good deal because the mirror appears to contain the entire universe.


via: Imgur
I like how many steps this guy took to ensure he had a good picture to post. He brought the mirror outside in natural light. He placed it opposite a nice, rustic-looking fence. And he took off his shirt.


via: Imgur
“Get out of here, Alyssa! I’m trying to sleep!”

“But Grandma! Yours is the best mirror in the house!”


via: Imgur
It’s…right there on the mirror. Should we tell her? Somebody should tell her, right?

It’s about time she learned the importance of context clues.


via: Imgur
Once again, nobody wants to watch themselves as they use the restroom.

I’m sure I won’t have to ever say that again. Oh, wait…


via: Imgur
Come on, people!

Have we learned nothing?!


via: Reddit
Believe it or not, this is actually what the uniforms for the National Guard of Russia look like in the mirror.

Seriously. Did no one think to look in a mirror while they were designing these?


via: Imgur
Box Artist 1: How do mirrors work?

Box Artist 2: Eh, nobody really knows. Just copy and paste the baby’s face in there.

Box Artist 1: …Are you sure?

Box Artist 2: Definitely. No one will notice.


via: Imgur
It’s not often you get to see exactly what your future children might look like.

In this case, it’s…not pretty.


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